Guide To Calculating The Ideal Body Weight |
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Guide To Calculating The Ideal Body Weight

By , Staff Editor

Last Updated on March 6th, 2023 / Published on February 27, 2018

Guide To Calculating The Ideal Body Weight

Today, several people are battling with maintaining the right body weight. The lifestyle people live, such as the daily food consumed and the activities we carry out can greatly influence one’s body weight. Excess body weight or being underweight are related to one’s over health and thus should be considered as important aspects. Contrary to common belief, the appearance of one’s weight does not accurately reflect the state of health. One may lose muscle and gain fat but that does not mean that a visible change will appear in the weight. So how much should one weight?

There are numerous ways and methods to determine what one should weight based on the body frame size and height. An ideal body weight chart determines how much an individual must weigh according to their age, height, and weight. The chart lets one demonstrate the appropriate weight for a woman and a man using two different types of charts.

There are several methods to find the right body composition and you can use the BMI to measure body composition. The BMI is a measure of the weight in relation to the height. According to health professionals, individuals who have a BMI that is lower than 18.5 are underweight. People with a BMI that ranges anywhere between 18.5 and 25 have a normal body weight. Anyone with a BMI between 25 and 30 is classified as overweight. A BMI of 30 is characterized by obesity. There are body weight and height charts that are easy to refer to. One can look at charts or tables by health institutes to how much weight they should carry for their height.

However, this method can show flawed results for people who are very muscular as they can easily be classified as obese. It must be noted that one person’s ideal weight can be completely different to another. Comparing oneself to other people around will lead to a flawed judgment. Another major drawback of the BMI is that it does not give much about where the fat is located and thus, one not be able to measure factors such as the risk of a heart attack.

Drawbacks of body and weight charts

There is no one-size-that-fits-all number for every person. Sometimes, a measurement taken at home may be outside of the normal range and thus it is better to take an appointment at a healthcare clinic. This will allow you to rule out any possibilities of health problems. If you do not wish to use a body weight chart, there are calculators that ascertain the right body weight. It provides a detailed explanation of the appropriate weight a person, based on criteria.

What are the best ways to maintain optimal body weight?

There are certain basic practices that can be employed to maintain an optimal body weight. These practices are great to not only achieve the ideal body weight but also lays down a strong foundation for a healthy life.

Healthy-eating habits – The eating habits you maintain will go a long way in bringing about change in weight. Eating unhealthy foods such as fried chips and burgers can increase the fat in the body causing excess weight gain. On the other hand, not eating on time and skipping meals interferes with metabolism and can cause weight loss. Thus, you should consume fresh foods like vegetable and fruits at the right hours of the day.

Hydrate the body – The body must always be well-hydrated and thus, it is important to drink plenty of water and flush out toxins.

Manage stress – Stress is reported to have a severe effect on weight and managing stress efficiently will help keep body weight in right control.

Regular fitness – It is not healthy to live your life devoid of any physical activity. Regular exercise programs like strength training, core stretching, aerobics, etc. should be practiced.

Leading a healthy lifestyle is the best bet to achieve the right body weight and maintain the same over time. The secret is to recognize your limits.

Body weight can also affect bone health. One should regularly get a bone density test done, especially if there is a loss in weight and height. A bone density test identifies a decrease in the bone density before there is bone breakage, determines the possibility of a fracture, and confirms or rules out the possibility of one suffering from osteoporosis. Bone density tests are painless and easy to undergo.

All the above methods and precautions help maintain the right weight and lead healthy lifestyle.

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Written By
Catherine M

Staff Editor
Written By

Staff Editor
  • Catherine is an experienced and passionate wellness expert with a focus on food and nutrition, fitness, sexual and women's wellness. She is leading the editorial strategy for HealthAccess and ensures that our content meets highest quality standards as per our editorial guidelines
  • In addition to her professional work, she is an avid fitness enthusiast and loves to cook healthy meals in her spare time.

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