8 Popular Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar | HealthAccess.com
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8 Popular Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

By , Staff Editor

Last Updated on March 6th, 2023 / Published on February 27, 2018

8 Popular Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a popular home remedy used to treat a bunch of conditions from a sore throat to something like varicose veins. While there are no proven claims about the benefits of apple cider vinegar, many people believe in its effectiveness and incorporate it in their diets. Many nutritionists and weight loss experts recommend an apple cider vinegar diet along with other nutritional food items to facilitate the weight loss process. Apple cider vinegar is an ingredient that dates back several thousand years and is known to have numerous health benefits. Apart from weight loss benefits, apple cider vinegar is used to treat pneumonia, bad breath, indigestion, night time leg cramps, detoxification, and more. Some of the popular apple cider vinegar benefits have been listed below.

Benefits of apple cider vinegar for weight loss
Most fitness enthusiasts claim that regular consumption of this potion helps suppress one’s appetite, increase metabolism, and reduce water retention. Having a tablespoon of warm water and apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach 30 minutes before dinner can help you lose weight. If you are already following a healthy diet, adding this ingredient to your existing meal plan may prove fruitful. In addition to apple cider vinegar, you can choose to eat protein with every meal to increase your muscle strength and further speed up your metabolism. While consuming protein and apple cider vinegar can help your body rapidly cut fat, ensure you incorporate these dietary changes in conjunction with exercise. Since apple cider vinegar is known to lower blood sugar levels, it can also help lose weight. This especially happens as apple cider vinegar boosts your satiety and makes you eat fewer calories. Several studies point toward the fact that those who consume apple cider vinegar in their diets daily tend to lose belly fat and waist circumference than those who do not. What’s more? Apple cider vinegar is known to interfere with the digestion of starch in the body that further helps cut down the amount of calories that enter the bloodstream.

Acetic acid in apple cider vinegar has several advantages
Apple cider vinegar in its most organic form is known to have many friendly bacteria, enzymes, and protein strands that can help keep you healthy and free from infections. It is very low in calories and contains a small amount of potassium. What’s more? It also contains antioxidants, some amino acids, and other useful active ingredients.

Apple cider vinegar helps kill bacteria
Since vinegar is known to contain several pathogens, it can be used for disinfecting and cleaning nail fungus, ear infections, warts, and the like. Apple cider vinegar can also be used for preservation of food as it can prevent harmful bacteria from multiplying.

Fights diabetes and helps lower sugar levels
Patients with type 2 diabetes are known to derive several benefits from apple cider vinegar. Since patients of type 2 diabetes are known to have elevated blood sugar as a result of insulin resistance or due to the inability of producing insulin, apple cider vinegar helps improve insulin function and regulate blood sugar levels. Apple cider vinegar is also known to benefit insulin sensitivity when you have a high-carb meal. About two spoons of apple cider vinegar is known to reduce fasting sugars. This is precisely why apple cider vinegar is beneficial for people with diabetes, those with pre-diabetic conditions, and people with low blood sugar levels.

Helps lowers cholesterol
The risk of cardiovascular diseases can be reduced if you consume apple cider vinegar daily. Apple cider vinegar is also known to lower the increasing levels of cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The antioxidants in apple cider vinegar are known to protect LDL cholesterol particles from oxidizing.

May help prevent cancer
Several studies reveal that apple cider vinegar is known to have many anti-cancer effects. It is believed to shrink tumors and even kill cancer cells. Most of these studies have only been animal tested and are still in clinical trials.

An effective energy booster
Apple cider vinegar is a great source of energy especially in cases when you have been overworked or overstressed. Since too much exercise and emotional stress can cause the production of lactic acid in the body, you may easily feel drained or exhausted. The amino acids in apple cider vinegar are known to act as an antidote. What’s best? It also contain a part of potassium and enzymes that help relieve exhaustion. Adding a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar to your favorite vegetable drink can instantly help boost your dropping energy levels.

Helps clear acne
Apple cider vinegar is a natural toner that works best in fighting acne and clearing frequent flare ups. Regular consumption of apple cider vinegar leaves your skin healthy and acne-free. The antibacterial properties of apple cider vinegar help keep acne under control, exfoliates dead skin, softens dull skin, reduces spots, and regulates the pH levels of the skin.

Apple Cider Benefits, apple cider vinegar diet, cider vinegar benefits, weight loss benefits apple cider vinegar

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Written By
Catherine M

Staff Editor
Written By

Staff Editor
  • Catherine is an experienced and passionate wellness expert with a focus on food and nutrition, fitness, sexual and women's wellness. She is leading the editorial strategy for HealthAccess and ensures that our content meets highest quality standards as per our editorial guidelines
  • In addition to her professional work, she is an avid fitness enthusiast and loves to cook healthy meals in her spare time.

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