6 Foods That Promote Dental Hygiene | HealthAccess.com
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6 Foods That Promote Dental Hygiene

By , Staff Editor

Last Updated on March 6th, 2023 / Published on October 11, 2018

6 Foods That Promote Dental Hygiene

6 foods that promote dental hygiene
Nowadays, dental problems are rife. One of the major causes for it are the unhealthy eating habits. Foods with unwarranted refined sugar content like candies and sodas can detrimentally affect the health of the teeth, triggering decay and gum diseases. Even brushing twice a day can’t be enough! Therefore, along with following good dental hygiene, you should also make an effort to avoid such foods and replace them with more healthier options. Wondering what foods can help improve your dental hygiene? Keep reading to find out!

One of the most loved ingredients across the world, cheese is not only delicious but also beneficial for maintaining dental hygiene. It lowers the risk of tooth decay by increasing the pH levels in the mouth. Some research also suggests that cheese encourages saliva production that stops the bacteria from multiplying in the mouth. Moreover, cheese is rich in protein and calcium, which strengthen the teeth and prevent enamel erosion.

Just like cheese, yogurt also has high levels of nutrients like calcium and protein, which help in making the teeth stronger. Moreover, the probiotics (the beneficial bacteria) found in yogurt helps in maintaining dental hygiene by fighting the bad bacteria which leads to decay, cavities, and gum disease. While choosing a yogurt, avoid the flavored variety as these contain high amounts of sugar, which can ultimately do more harm than good.

If you have a sweet tooth, then try having fruits like apples. Unlike candies, apples have natural sugars that don’t harm the teeth. Moreover, the fiber and water content in this fruit aids saliva production that rinses away the residual food particles and bacteria in the mouth. Its fibrous texture also massages the gums and keeps them fresh. Having an apple after a meal is the best way to scrub your mouth clean of any bacteria.

Although celery has a reputation for being bland and watery, it encourages dental hygiene by acting as a natural toothbrush. Chewing celery can scrape away bacteria and left-out food particles in the teeth. Furthermore, celery is rich in vitamins A and C, which are beneficial for gum health. If the idea of having celery alone comes off as revolting then top it off with some cream cheese to keep it interesting.

Like apples and celery, carrots are rich in fiber. Having a few pieces of crunchy, raw carrots at the end of a meal helps in maintaining sufficient saliva production, which lowers the risk of cavities. High in keratin and vitamin A, carrots also fight plaque and strengthen the enamel.

Leafy greens
Low in calories and high in different kinds of vitamins and minerals, leafy greens like kale and spinach promote oral health. A good source of calcium, leafy greens protect the teeth enamel. These vegetables also contain folic acid that can help treat gum disorders like gingivitis, especially, in pregnant women.

As you stock up on these healthy alternatives, it is important to cut back and/or avoid the following types of foods and drinks:

  • Carbonated drinks
  • Ice
  • Bread
  • Sticky candies
  • Chips
  • Alcohol

The above-mentioned foods and drinks can either easily get trapped in the crevices of your teeth, damage the enamel or dry the mouth promoting the production of bad bacteria. Consistently having these foods or drinks can lead to long-term problems like sensitivity, bad breath, cavities, decay, and gum disease. If you happen to have any of these foods or drinks, make sure that you drink water or gargle with a good mouthwash. Likewise, floss your teeth before going to bed to ensure that no residual food particles are trapped in your mouth.

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Written By
Catherine M

Staff Editor
Written By

Staff Editor
  • Catherine is an experienced and passionate wellness expert with a focus on food and nutrition, fitness, sexual and women's wellness. She is leading the editorial strategy for HealthAccess and ensures that our content meets highest quality standards as per our editorial guidelines
  • In addition to her professional work, she is an avid fitness enthusiast and loves to cook healthy meals in her spare time.

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