All You Need To Know Before Adopting A Low-Fat Diet |
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All You Need To Know Before Adopting A Low-Fat Diet

By , Staff Editor

Last Updated on March 6th, 2023 / Published on February 27, 2018

All You Need To Know Before Adopting A Low-Fat Diet

Adopting a high-fat diet can lead to weight gain, without a workout or any other activity. However, it takes more than just a low-fat diet to lose weight. You will have to follow a strict low-fat diet, workout, and keep a watch on the calories consumed by you as well. You must take note that your body stores all your extra calories as fat, doesn’t matter if they come in the form of trans-fat, fat-free, or from low-fat foods. Replacing high-fat foods with high-calorie foods is the ideal way to go about the proceedings, if you are looking to gain weight.

If you are trying to lose weight, here are some tips and answers to questions on what type of low-fat diet you must follow.

Tips for adopting a low-fat diet

Most of the fitness and diet experts believe that people get 25%-35% of their calories from fat. The average intake of calories per day for an adult is 2000. This means that about 44 to 77 calories come from fats. The best way to lose weight is to set a goal, keep track, and work towards it. If you are setting a goal for the number of calories you will consume every day, you must make sure you achieve. Keeping tack will be slightly difficult in the beginning, but it will get better as you start practicing it daily. Look for nutrition labels at the back of packaged foods, this will help you keep a track of the number of calories you intake. Along with the calories per serving, you will also be able to see the fat per serving. Adopt a variety of food that is a low-fat food but has most of the other nutrients mentioned in the nutrition chart. You must follow a diet that works towards controlling your fat, cholesterol, carbs, and calories. Remember to not go too overboard and start skipping meals. This will not help you, it will only lead to low blood sugar, fatigue, and dropped energy levels.

Add a substantial amount of plant foods to your diet. Plant foods typically include whole-grain products, fruits, and vegetables. Along with them, include a moderate amount of lean and low-fat as well as animal-based foods. Meat and dairy products qualify as some of the most potent animal-based foods. You must be mindful of all these tips when you go grocery shopping, keep an eye out for packaged food products that are low-fat foods or are low on calorie per serving/fat per serving content. Choose lean meats, fish, and poultry when you go shopping for animal-based products in the market. Maintain an intake of only 5-7 seven ounces/day for the meat, fish, and poultry.

Apart from these, the other low-fat sources of protein include dried beans and peas, skimmed milk, tuna packed in water, tofu, and low-fat yogurt. When you are on a low-fat diet it is important to have a good heart health; choose foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids to maintain a good health.

Now that you know how and what to shop for low-fat foods, here are some tips that can help you cook for your low-fat diet.

  • Get rid of all the visible fat from the raw food that you are cooking, specially from meat. Remove the extra skin from the poultry before you cook it.
  • When you are consuming soups, stews, or gravies you must refrigerate them. This results in all the fat hardening on top of them, just get rid of that layer before consuming.
  • The first basic tip is to stop consuming fried foods. When you are cooking, bake, grill, or broil the meat on a rack that allows the fat to drip off.
  • Do not use any cheese, butter, or cream-based sauces as seasoning for your salads. You can use alternatives like lemon juice, herbs, and spices to add taste to your salads as well as cooked vegetables.
  • You can bake potatoes instead of boiling them, and add plain, non-fat, or low-fat yogurt to them to make a delicious healthy meal. Do not add any sour cream to this mixture, as that can add to your fats. Reduced-fat sour cream won’t come in handy either, as even that will have a significant amount of fat in it as well.

You might be following the best low-fat diet, but you need to keep it in mind while dining out as well. When you are eating out, choose foods that are simple and do not have a lot of flavors. You can opt for broiled, baked, or roasted fish, meat, or chicken. Keep away from foods that are fried and junk food items. Similarly, avoid casseroles and dishes that have heavy sauces or gravies.

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Written By
Catherine M

Staff Editor
Written By

Staff Editor
  • Catherine is an experienced and passionate wellness expert with a focus on food and nutrition, fitness, sexual and women's wellness. She is leading the editorial strategy for HealthAccess and ensures that our content meets highest quality standards as per our editorial guidelines
  • In addition to her professional work, she is an avid fitness enthusiast and loves to cook healthy meals in her spare time.

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